Creative ways to add Holiday Spirit to your Social Media
In case you haven’t prepared your social media to capture the attention of your followers, and potentially trigger them to purchase from you this side of Christmas, it’s time to use these tips that will make your social media festive and merry for the holidays.
Decorate your Cover and Profile Photo
Your Cover Photo should always represent the values and personality of your brand, but if you want to get your audience in the season spirit you should consider changing it to reflect the holiday season. People are browsing social media more than usual so fresh Cover Photos will motivate them to check your social media and look for special offers or gift ideas.
See Also: Learn how to make your customer or client avatar in easy ways.
Create a very merry Christmas offer
I know what you’re thinking, I’m in services and things normally wind down this time of year for me. BUT! People are already in a buying mood. So, try to capitalise on it and make them an offer! If you’re not making them an offer, someone else is.
Messages such as: Free Workshops they can take up, only over the period you set out, Cashback offers, or provide a guarantee or better payment terms. Perhaps a free initial report or consultation could be the way you want to go. Whatever it is, just make an offer. Motivate them by making your offer time-bound that can create a sense of urgency.
To bring attention to the message make sure you place text on a background that will not be too distracting. Apply the principle of font hierarchy and give bigger font size to more important pieces of the information, such as the discount value.
NOTE: Try not to ‘discount’ your services. Just make it easier for them to try you out.
Share the Joy of Christmas
Social media is meant to be social, so use the holiday season to give your posts some festive spin. You will get people excited not only about the season but also about your brand!
You can start by creating posts that ask people what’s their most memorable Christmas moment, favourite holiday food, best part of Christmas: opening presents, dinner or the post lunch feeling?
See an example here:
Share recipes or Cooking Tips
Most businesses can benefit from recipe posts, don’t miss the opportunity to talk about food during the festive season. Share recipes or cooking tips, ask followers to share their own or to post a review once they make your dish.
Whatever you choose to write about, make sure that your text is not invading the image. Use background shapes as a text holder so that the recipe is easy to read and experiment with fun and festive fonts such as Animatic or Toscuchet CM as they will perfectly capture the relaxed atmosphere of the season.
NOTE: Don’t post a recipe every day. But one or two over the season will be great.
Make a wish come true
A classic way to encourage interaction is to organise a prize game on your profile page or through applications. Multi-day giveaways, in which you give out prizes every day for a certain period of time (such as “the 12 days of Christmas”) have the best engagement rate because they make fans come back again and again. Your prize game mechanism could be as simple as setting up a quiz with holiday related topics or inviting your audience to share photos in their worst Christmas outfits.
See Also: Learn how to grow your audience and get better results for your business.
Keep the conversation fresh by sharing posts with detailed information on prizes, counting the days till the end of the competition or announcing winners through a specially designed post of live video. Use consistent images and fonts on all your promo materials as that will increase brand recall and help your audience differentiate promo posts from others. Bring some holiday spirit in your design by placing copy on different holiday-inspired background shapes.
Show the magic of giving
The holiday season is a time to remind ourselves that we should be helping others more, so share that thought and your efforts with your audience. Prepare a special holiday eBook and encourage downloads by saying you will offer 100 dollars for every 100 downloads to the Salvations Army for instance. Or create a special hashtag and promise you will donate 1 dollar for each shared tweet that contains such hashtag.
When designing your posts, use a photo of people who will receive the help, as that will have the strongest impact on your audience. For better legibility place a transparent layer over your photo and contrast the colour of letters with the colour of the background. Use up to 2 fonts and play with their size and weight for more variety.
On the day
If you are tempted to think that Christmas Day is a good time for giving your social media accounts a rest, think again. Your audience will be logging in to their profiles to wish family and friends happy holidays, so this is a perfect opportunity for you to send out a “Merry Christmas” message from your business.
Find an image that has some holiday decoration but also a little bit of clear space for you to place your text. You can stick with green-red Christmas colours or add a touch of gold or silver for a more celebratory feeling. Write your copy by contrasting two fonts that will help each other speak. Script fonts such as Sign Painter or Wisdom Script will add affectionate and personal notes to your message, while sans serif fonts like Selena or Linear will keep it strong but friendly.
Additional Resources
For more Tips on your Digital Marketing Strategies, you can download our very own Online Marketing Strategies that works best all year around.