Why internal Marketing is important to your business
We know the first question you have after reading the article title is what is internal marketing?
Well, internal marketing is about you as a business owner helping your employees, contractors or whoever else is working for you feel valued, part of the community and to be in the know about what is happening in and around the business.
Ideally, internal marketing should be an integral part of your internal communication and should be sent out regularly.
If you want your business to grow and continue to grow at a steady rate, then having everyone who works with you in on the vision you have for business growth is of the utmost importance.
As part of your internal marketing you can include the following:
- Share business goals both short, medium and long term. Communicate these regularly and share when a goal has been met or the progress being made on your goal.
- Share details of new clients that come on board or updates on existing clients that your business has assisted.
- Share the wins and don’t be afraid to share the losses. There are lessons to be learned from losses and a lot of value can be gained from them.
- Ask for people to recommend one change they would like to make to improve the business. There is a good chance some answers would really help the business with growth!
Keeping everyone updated on how the business is tracking, sharing how they have contributed to the success and that their input is valued means they will remain loyal to the brand.
You want the culture of your business to be one that sees people support and challenge eachother in a good way. Feel safe in their work environment and that they are valued for what they contribute to your business.
Simple and effective ways for you to communicate this with internal marketing include:
- Remember and celebrate people’s birthdays.
- Provide a welcome gift for a new staff member coming on board.
- Celebrate individual wins as well as group wins.
- Host a just because lunch for your staff to show appreciation for their hard work.
Something business owners don’t always want to acknowledge is that the people working for them have their own individual growth goals and sometimes their long-term career goals don’t include working in your business.
Rather than fight against it you should embrace it. Just because someone has plans that don’t involve working in your business doesn’t mean you won’t get the best out of them while they are working for you.
Some ways you can support your employee’s individual growth goals are:
- Assist them by allowing them to work in a particular area of your business that would assist them toward their long-term career goal.
- Allow them some time once a month or quarter to work on their long-term goals. They might utilise this time to work on their own side hustle, volunteer, study or intern.
When people know that you want the best for them, they will want to do the best for you and your business. Besides, one day they may very well come back as client or bring potential clients your way.
Overall, you want to nurture the people working with you that share the same passion for your brand, culture and help take your business to the next level and share it with the wider community.
Internal marketing will allow you to get a consistent message out to everyone that works for you so you are all on the same page